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why heal-2

Life is a creative process, which means to turn intimately toward what makes us feel most alive and what activates us. It is to trust the unknown and to co-create with a larger intelligence. It is to explore one’s ecosystem and to move toward a state of inner harmony, wholeness and presence.

To find true freedom, transformation cannot be bypassed, otherwise we will continue to live the same cycles within our lives and within society. As Carl Jung says, “until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate.”

Conventional therapy and coaching focus on retelling familiar stories, cognitive analysis and rewiring beliefs. Though this is still a vital part of what I do, my focus is on reintegrating the conscious and unconscious stories that created the patterns in the first place, on all levels. This is the truest pathway toward harnessing conscious creation.

Unfinished stories, which is one way to describe trauma, cannot only be processed on the cognitive level. It must be felt and digested—somatically, emotionally, energetically, relationally—in order to make space for a new narrative to emerge. This is my speciality. 

In the words of Kahlil Gibran, we are life’s longing for itself. We are not living life, we are life. My mission is to help individuals reconnect to their own life force so they can express their unique gifts into the world.

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